Must Have Phrase for Online Meeting | Bussiness Vocabulary
Prepare for success
Before the meeting
- What the key topics would be.
- Who would be responsible for talking about the topics or giving updates.
- What if anything will be expected from the participants.
Greet others and lead introductions
- Welcome your participants. Include a greeting + introductions.
- A quick hello | good morning or good afternoon.
If you are the host
- New participants to you.
- Introduce yourself at the begining.
- follow the steps:
- nice to have
- quick round of introductions
Establish Ground Rules
- Rules and etc.
- Establish ground rules to ensure smooth communication and minimize distractions.
- Demonstrate & encourage active listening.
Encouage participants
- Tell participants to Jump into the conversation | share ideas | Ask questions | turn taking
- Interrupt skills
Practice effective time Management
- Time Management
- Encourage appropriate turn-taking
- Stay on topic or easily returen to the topic
- Still have sth to talk at the end
Handle interruptions
- Handle interruptions like a pro
- Let everyone konw necessory
Ask others to wait
- asking for wait
- thanks for the patience
End on the high note
- Thank for their time
- tips
- goodbye
- I hope you all have good weekend and I’ll see you next week
- Have a great day everyone