  1. Types serialization & The metadata reflection API
    1. Why we need reflection in JavaScript?
    2. The metadata reflection API
    3. Obtaining type metadata using the reflect metadata API
    4. Obtaining Parameter type metadata using the reflect metadata API
    5. Obtaining return type metadata using the reflect metadata API
  2. Basic type serialization
    1. Complex types serialization
    2. Conclusion
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装饰器Decorators & metadata reflection in TypeScript: From Novice to Expert (Part IV)
2021/09/06 TS Decorators
Types serialization & The metadata reflection API
  • In this post we will learn about:
  1. Why we need reflection in JavaScript?
  2. The metadata reflection API
  3. Basic type serialization
  4. Complex type serialization
Why we need reflection in JavaScript?
  • The name reflection is used to describe code which is able to inspect other code in the same system (or itself).

  • Reflection is useful for a number of use cases (Composition/Dependency Injection, Run-time Type Assertions, Testing).

  • Our JavaScript applications are getting bigger and bigger and we are starting to need some tools (like inversion of control containers) and features like (run-time type assertions) to manage this increasing complexity. The problem is that because there is not reflection in JavaScript some of this tools and features cannot be implemented, or at least they can not be implemented to be as powerful as they are in programming languages like C# or Java.

  • A powerful reflection API should allow us to examine an unknown object at run-time and find out everything about it. We should be able to find things like:

    • The name of the entity.
    • The type of the entity.
    • Which interfaces are implemented by the entity.
    • The name and types of the properties of the entity.
    • The name and types of the constructor arguments of the entity.
  • In JavaScript we can use functions like Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() or Object.keys() to find some information about an entity but we need reflection to implement more powerful development tools.

  • However, things are about to change because TypeScript is starting to support some Reflection features. Let’s take a look to this features:

The metadata reflection API
npm install reflect-metadata;
  • We must use it with TypeScript 1.5 and the compiler flag emitDecoratorMetadata set to true. We also need to including a reference to reflect-metadata.d.ts. and load the Reflect.js file.

  • We then need to implement our own decorators and use one of the available reflect metadata design keys. For the moment there are only three available:

    • Type metadata uses the metadata key "design:type".
    • Parameter type metadata uses the metadata key "design:paramtypes".
    • Return type metadata uses the metadata key "design:returntype".

Let’s see a couple of examples.

Obtaining type metadata using the reflect metadata API
  • Let’s declare the following property decorator:
function logType(target : any, key : string) {
var t = Reflect.getMetadata("design:type", target, key);
console.log(`${key} type: ${}`);
  • We can then apply it to one of the properties of a class to obtain its type:
class Demo{
@logType // apply property decorator
public attr1 : string;
  • The example above logs the following in console:

  • attr1 type: String

Obtaining Parameter type metadata using the reflect metadata API
  • Let’s declare the following parameter decorator:
function logParamTypes(target : any, key : string) {
var types = Reflect.getMetadata("design:paramtypes", target, key);
var s = =>;
console.log(`${key} param types: ${s}`);
  • We can then apply it to one of the method of a class to obtain information about the types of its arguments:

class Foo {}
interface IFoo {}

class Demo{
@logParameters // apply parameter decorator
param1 : string,
param2 : number,
param3 : Foo,
param4 : { test : string },
param5 : IFoo,
param6 : Function,
param7 : (a : number) => void,
) : number {
return 1
  • The example above logs the following in console:

  • doSomething param types: String, Number, Foo, Object, Object, Function, Function

Obtaining return type metadata using the reflect metadata API

We can also get information about the return type of a method using the "design:returntype" metadata key:

Reflect.getMetadata("design:returntype", target, key);
Basic type serialization
  • Let’s take a look to the "design:paramtypes" example above again. Notice the that interfaces IFoo and object literal { test : string} are serialized as Object. This is because TypeScript only supports basic type serialization. The basic type serialization rules are:

  • number serialized as Number

  • string serialized as String

  • boolean serialized as Boolean

  • any serialized as Object

  • void serializes as undefined

  • Array serialized as Array

  • If a Tuple, serialized as Array

  • If a class serialized it as the class constructor

  • If an Enum serialized it as Number

  • If has at least one call signature, serialized as Function

  • Otherwise serialized as Object (Including interfaces)

  • Interfaces and object literals may be serialize in the future via complex type serialization but this feature is not available at this time.

Complex types serialization

The TypeScript team is working on a proposal that will allow us to generate metadata for complex types.

They proposal describes how some complex types will be serialized. The serialization rules above will still be used for basic type but a different serialization logic will be used for complex types. In the proposal there is a base type that is used to describe all the possible types:

* Basic shape for a type.
interface _Type {
* Describes the specific shape of the type.
* @remarks
* One of: "typeparameter", "typereference", "interface", "tuple", "union",
* or "function".
kind: string;
  • We can also find the classes that will be used to describe each of the possible types. For example, we can find the class proposed to be used to serialize genetic interfaces interface foo { /* ... */}:
* Describes a generic interface.
interface InterfaceType extends _Type {
kind: string; // "interface"

* Generic type parameters for the type. May be undefined.
typeParameters?: TypeParameter[];

* Implemented interfaces.
implements?: Type[];

* Members for the type. May be undefined.
* @remarks Contains property, accessor, and method declarations.
members?: { [key: string | symbol | number]: Type; };

* Call signatures for the type. May be undefined.
call?: Signature[];

* Construct signatures for the type. May be undefined.
construct?: Signature[];

* Index signatures for the type. May be undefined.
index?: Signature[];
  • As we can see above there will be an attribute which indicates the implemented interfaces:
* Implemented interfaces.
implements?: Type[];
  • That information could be used to do things like validate if an entity implements certain interface at run-time, which could be really useful for an IoC container.

  • We don’t know when complex type serialization support will be added to TypeScript but we cannot wait because we have plans to use it to add some cool features to our awesome IoC container for JavaScript: InversifyJS.


In this series we have learned in-depth 4 out of the 4 available types of decorators, how to create a decorator factory and how to use a decorator factory to implement configurable decorators.

We also know how to work with the metadata reflection API.
