  1. 为什么应该涉猎不同学科
  2. 体育教会我们哪些道理
  3. 并非所有机遇都会带来成功
  4. 高工资也意味着大压力
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2020/06/19 托福 托福 写作

Secondly, studying broad subjects may help arouse the students’ interest in learning, while limiting to one specific field may sooner or later result in boredom. Interest is the best teacher. The involvement in a variety of different subjects broadens students’ knowledge base and opens their minds. They are endowed with the opportunity to master the essences of different subjects. As soon as a natural association between subjects is uncovered, enthusiasm may be sparked. We could easily imagine the delightful moment when a familiar term typical to chemistry is encountered while reading an article in a textbook of biology.


Above all, playing sports shows us an important truth that life is always in motion. This famous notion was first brought up by a French thinker named Voltaire. Such an idea is simple in words but deep in meaning. The globe is turning nonstop; the sun rises in the east and sets in the west day after day; rivers are flowing towards the sea; time is passing; all living creatures are growing…all these events justify Voltaire’s concept. Indeed, motion is the prerequisite of life, without which all living beings would perish and the whole universe would no longer exist. Taking part in any sport, like playing basketball, swimming, diving, playing golf, or running, involves body movements and physical strength, which in turn constitutes an indispensable benefit to one’s life. Health is a determinant factor in sustaining life and allowing it to continue. Playing sports is an effective way of keeping people healthy enough to progress smoothly in their life.


As a matter of fact, not all opportunities lead to success. We should hold an objective attitude about the relationship between favorable chances and success. Kevin Geary used to say, “Success happens not by chance, but because you were given a chance and took advantage of it.”In other words, meeting an opportunity is only a stepping stone toward a potential future success. Showing off before certain people and letting them know one’s strong points might be helpful, but is by no means a decisive factor that directly leads to prosperity. If a person manages to convince an influential figure of his merits and achievements, he is more likely to be promoted to a higher position or work on an important project. That indeed paves the way to his success. Nonetheless, suppose this person becomes overly self-contented and stops making great efforts? Then the blessed opportunity will be wasted. No matter how brilliant his past used to be, his future will not be promising. Therefore, seize the opportunity and continue to work diligently, as this is the key to success. Neither step should be neglected.


Conversely, high salary is often associated with high pressure and risk at work. Too much pressure undermines people’s health. Less time is available for them to rest and enjoy life. In consequence, people may suffer from sleeplessness and headache. Statistics show that people under heavy workload have a higher risk of heart diseases and hypertension, major threats to the lifespan of modern white collar workers in large cities around the world. Furthermore, excessive pressure may also lead to psychological problems. In some cases, unable to put up with tough tension, some employees may go to extremes and even commit suicide.
