  1. 小孩为什么要尽早学外语
  2. 网络也给学生带来坏习惯
  3. 市场经济使得终生聘用不切实际
  4. 一切为了“考试”的弊端
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2020/06/19 托福 托福 写作

In the first place, childhood is the best period for language learning. Research indicates that the brains of children are in a superior state to grasp the essences of a language. With a faster reaction speed and better memories, it can be much easier for them to assimilate basic grammatical points and remember new words and phrases. What’s more, children are extremely good at imitating others. Thus, by listening to recorded texts, they can follow the speaker in the tape and imitate the voice repeatedly. As time goes by, they will gradually speak what has been stored in their mind. As soon as they have accumulated enough vocabulary and expressions, they may use them bravely in spite of possible mistakes. These are all key elements that lead to progress in learning a language. Such a learning process is more effective in children than in adults.


The first major problem with the internet is that as an education tool, the internet creates more problems than it solves. Surfing the web does not always teach students useful lessons. More often, it teaches them the wrong lessons. It is silly to teach students to use calculators when they still cannot count properly. Additionally, internet teaches students bad habits such as impatience. It is very fast so students do not have to wait long. As a result, they become impatient and demanding. On-line students learn that social skills are not important because they can ask a machine instead of a classmate or teacher.


Nonetheless, the market-based economy today makes life-long employment unrealistic. A series of complicated social elements are the major obstacles that force job hunters or employees to give up the ideal of a life-long position. To illustrate, modern economy can never do without personnel transfer, which is the symbol of a vigorous job market. The growing number of candidates has made the competition fiercer than before. As a result, even if one succeeds in filling a long-term post, he is still faced with unexpected challenges from other employees or new job hunters. Besides, the prosperous economic environment encompasses more potential opportunities for the working class. Whenever a better job opportunity in a different company appears, few people would wait around, but would strive to improve their situation instead.


In many cases teachers are encouraged to teach only material that will be seen on certain standardized tests. For this reason, teachers are forced to extract superfluous material from the course. So, teachers focus only on specific items from the test. Students are encouraged to memorize isolated facts and regurgitate short responses. In an article published by the Fair Test organization, this method is called “teaching the test.” Teaching the test seems to be conducive to improving test-taking skills but real academic progression is not always represented.
